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What Is a Ceremonial Marriage?

A ceremonial marriage is simply a marriage that follows the ceremonial procedures required by the state. A ceremonial marriage is legally binding, and only divorce can break the contract. Pennsylvania doesn’t have a legal separation option, which means that you are married until you are divorced. If you are contemplating divorce, are ready to file for divorce, or have already been served with divorce papers, it’s time to consult with an experienced divorce attorney in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

In order for a marriage ceremony to be legally binding in the State of Pennsylvania, all of the following must apply:

The marriage license must be obtained at least three days before the marriage ceremony takes place, and it expires 60 days after the three-day waiting period ends. The marriage officiant is responsible for returning the completed marriage license within ten days of the ceremony.

Pennsylvania Allows Self-Uniting Marriages

It’s important to note that Pennsylvania – along with very few other states – also allows what are known as self-uniting marriages. This is a ceremonial marriage in which the couple marries themself – without the need for an officiant. This practice is associated with the Quakers – or the Religious Society of Friends – and the ceremonies are often called Quaker weddings. Self-uniting marriages require the signatures of two adult witnesses, and a self-uniting marriage license must be obtained.

Pennsylvania Does Not Recognize Common Law Marriages

Since January 1, 2005, the State of Pennsylvania hasn’t recognized common law marriages that were established after this date. The state does, however, continue to recognize common law marriages that were established according to its laws prior to this date and to recognize common law marriages that were legally established in other states.

Common law marriages are marriages that are not ceremonial but are instead established by meeting the requirements set by the state. This generally means holding yourself out to the community as a married couple and considering yourselves married, along with other specifications.

Upon Divorce

Regardless of how you were married, leaving a legally binding marriage requires a divorce, and in your divorce, you and your spouse will need to resolve each of the following primary terms that apply:

Reach Out to an Experienced Harrisburg, PA Divorce Attorney for the Help You Need Today

Maria Cognetti at Cognetti Law Group in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania is a formidable divorce attorney who dedicates her impressive practice to skillfully protecting the parental and financial rights of clients like you. Your case is important, so please don’t wait to contact us online or call 717-909-4060 for more information today.