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Cognetti Law Group


What Is a High Conflict Divorce

If you’re facing a divorce, there is some level of conflict in your marriage. Ultimately, every divorce involves conflict to one degree or another, but a high-conflict divorce kicks things up a notch or two. Generally, conflict in a divorce revolves around each spouse’s financial rights, parental rights, or both, but high conflict can also be the result of – or can be amplified by – the heated emotions common to divorce. If you’re facing a high-conflict divorce, you need the skilled legal guidance of an experienced Harrisburg, PA, high-conflict divorce attorney in your corner from the outset.

Resolving the Terms of Your Divorce

Every divorce is unique to the people and circumstances involved, but every divorcing couple can resolve the same terms of a divorce, including:

The higher the conflict in your divorce, the more challenging negotiations are likely to be – and the more likely it is that your case will make its way to court.

Your Child Custody Arrangements

When it comes to high-conflict divorces that involve children, child custody arrangements often take top billing. You and your divorcing spouse may both be vying for the position of primary custodial parent, which can set the stage for a battle.

The most important point to keep in mind when it comes to child custody in Pennsylvania is that the state is guided by the children’s best interests, and this generally translates to spending a significant amount of time with each parent. As such, even if one of you has the children most of the time, the other is very likely to receive a generous visitation schedule.

The Division of Your Marital Property

In Pennsylvania, marital property – or those assets you acquired while married – must be divided between you and your divorcing spouse fairly in relation to the involved circumstances upon divorce. Fairly, here, doesn’t necessarily mean equal, and this is another common focal point of high-conflict divorces. Because this divorce term will play a critical role in your financial future and because you and your divorcing spouse may have very different views on the matter of a fair division, property division can become very heated very quickly.

Conflict for Conflict’s Sake

If your soon-to-be ex has worked themself into an emotional state that makes them unwilling, or even unable to engage in reasonable negotiations, you will very likely need the court’s intervention. It’s difficult to reason with a spouse who has their mind set on making things as difficult as they possibly can, and if this is what you’re up against, you may need the court’s guidance.

An Experienced Harrisburg, PA, High Conflict Divorce Attorney Can Help

Maria Cognetti is a formidable Harrisburg high conflict attorney at Cognetti Law Group who brings the full force of her impressive experience and legal skill to every case she ably handles. The outcome of your divorce is too important to leave to chance, so please don’t delay contacting us online or calling 717-909-4060 for more information today.